Wednesday, June 12, 2013


For all that want to know, Phil's gallbladder has been successfully removed.  He is resting comfortably, I mean as comfortably as possible.  He should recover quickly, except for lifting, pushing, pulling things over 10lbs for the next 2 months.  Darn no mowing the lawn!


  1. I tried to call earlier and didn't get you, so I'm glad to see that the surgery was successful! I wonder who on earth will have to mow the lawn...? Hmmm.

    Tell Phil to take it easy and get well soon!!! We're thinking of him!

  2. And, no taking out the garbage! He probably won't be able to do those two chores for a couple of years. Glad he did well--I'm delighted for you all.

  3. Mom, yeah, it's going to be a long summer for me!

    Auntie, you are right about the trash. That can is awkward and heavy. A really long "summer" for me!

  4. Ha! I said YEARS. Just ask Phil. Here is what to do: get a crappy, used skateboard. Put your foot on one end, tilt the garbage can and push the board under it. Then walk or drag it aboard. After that, all you have to do is guide it. NO more lugging. (I use mine to move furniture.)

  5. Auntie, LOL, that's why summer was in ""'s. He really shouldn't push the mower anyway. The skateboard is a good idea.
