Friday, August 9, 2013

23 weeks

 Pretty big for me! 

And while I'm getting bigger, Matthew is working on new projects.  The red object is a needle case, the orange a wallet, and the white and blue is a pin cushion with an adorable Holstein on the front.  And he sewed them all by himself.  One of his stuffed animals sprung a leak the other day.  He didn't wait for Mamaw to have time to sew, he just got his needle and thread out and patched the hole himself.  I'm so proud of him!  He's much handier then his momma.


  1. I think you are the cutest pregnant woman in the whole world. Isn't Matthew's sewing great? I think it is splendid that he just got out his sewing kit and fixed one of his stuffed animals.

  2. I agree with Auntie!!!

  3. Ok, I haven't been over here in ages....CONGRATS!!!!! So exciting and you're so stinkin' cute. :)

  4. Auntie, thank you! Matthew's sewing is wonderful. I'm very excited about it.

    Faith, thank you, sometimes I don't feel so cute!
